Do you lead a charity working in the fields of Community, Environment, Welfare, or Youth? Are you based in the North or Midlands of England, or Wales? Do you have at least one paid full-time member of staff in a leadership position and an income of less than £5 million per year?
Then you could be eligible for a package of support including an unrestricted grant, worth just over £22,000. This help for charities is more vital than ever as the cost-of-living crisis escalates.
Through the Weston Charity Awards, unrestricted grants of £6,500 are available for up to 22 ambitious charities. The cash contributions are available to instigate strategic change and accelerate innovative growth despite current challenges. Winning applicants also gain free access to the Pilotlight 360 programme - an eight-month package of leadership coaching worth an estimated £16,000.
Alongside grants, award winners receive an unrivalled package of leadership mentoring from four senior professionals across diverse private and public sector organisations. These empathetic “Pilotlighters” offer in-depth expert coaching on everything from creative operational efficiencies to sustainable long-term business strategies that take an organisation to the next level. Winning charities also access:
- collaborative opportunities and events through Pilotlight’s network of UK charities
- two peer-to-peer support sessions with other award winners to share best practice
- a celebratory event for all award-winners on conclusion of the programme
- the enhanced profile associated with receiving this award grant for excellence
Ydych chi’n arwain elusen sy’n gweithio ym meysydd y Gymuned, yr Amgylchedd, Llesiant neu Ieuenctid? Ydych chi wedi eich lleoli yng Ngogledd neu Ganolbarth Lloegr, neu yng Nghymru? A oes gennych o leiaf un aelod o staff sydd wedi’i gyflogi amser llawn mewn swydd arwain a gydag incwm o lai na £5 miliwn y flwyddyn?
Yna, gallech fod yn gymwys i gael pecyn cymorth, gan gynnwys grant anghyfyngedig, gwerth ychydig dros £22,000. Mae’r cymorth hwn i elusennau yn bwysicach nag erioed wrth i’r argyfwng costau byw waethygu.
Drwy Wobrau Elusen Weston, mae grantiau anghyfyngedig o £6,500 ar gael i hyd at 22 o elusennau uchelgeisiol. Mae’r cyfraniadau ariannol ar gael i sbarduno newid strategol a sbarduno twf arloesol er gwaethaf yr heriau presennol. Bydd ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus hefyd yn cael mynediad am ddim i’r rhaglen Pilotlight 360 – pecyn wyth mis o hyfforddiant arwain sydd werth tua £16,000.
Ynghyd â grantiau, bydd enillwyr y gwobrau’n cael pecyn heb ei ail o fentora arweinwyr gan bedwar uwch weithiwr proffesiynol ar draws sefydliadau amrywiol yn y sector preifat a chyhoeddus. Mae’r “Pilotlighters” empathig hyn yn cynnig hyfforddiant arbenigol manwl ar bopeth, o arbedion effeithlonrwydd gweithredol creadigol i strategaethau busnes hirdymor cynaliadwy sy’n mynd â sefydliad i’r lefel nesaf. Mae elusennau sy’n ennill hefyd yn gallu cael mynediad i'r canlynol:
- digwyddiadau a chyfleoedd cydweithredol drwy rwydwaith Pilotlight o elusennau’r DU
- dwy sesiwn cymorth gydag enillwyr eraill y gwobrau i rannu arferion gorau
- digwyddiad dathlu i bawb sydd wedi ennill gwobrau ar ddiwedd y rhaglen
- y proffil uwch sy'n gysylltiedig â derbyn y grant hwn am ragoriaeth
Sylwch fod y ffurflen gais, y sesiynau gwybodaeth a’r rhaglen Wobrwyo yn Saesneg.

Pilotlight 360
The Pilotlight 360 programme provides leadership mentoring from four senior professionals across diverse private and public sector organisations. These empathetic “Pilotlighters” offer in-depth expert guidance on everything from creative operational improvements and efficiencies to sustainable long-term business strategies. For more on the programme
Award winners remark on the benefit of the support that they receive from their “Pilotlighters”, which often exceeds expectations. They help charities to reflect and strategies whilst providing an objective opinion. They are approachable, business professionals that look to work with charities in developing their plans.

Our Impact
We recognise that not only have we grown and matured as an organisation, but also as individuals. We have perhaps chipped away at our collective imposter syndrome and seen what we are capable of. The Weston Charity Awards have given us the confidence to think big and create a plan to achieve it, without being held back by negative thinking.
The project has helped us transform our corporate offer, our social impact reporting, and our human resources processes and management. These were key things we needed to address, but we just didn’t have the know how to work them out on our own. The work we’ve done will benefit our organisation and those we serve for many years to come.
The Weston Charity Awards exceeded my expectations and has been an invaluable process for me. I’ve been blessed with a great team of Pilotlighters. I’m not sure if I’d still be CEO without the Pilotlight 360 programme.
The support over the last year has been invaluable. The sessions have helped me identify some key operational improvements and commit to implementing those changes. Improvements I’m confident will make a huge difference to our performance and ultimately benefit our beneficiaries.