The Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) is an independent national charity that is dedicated to improving the nursing care of people in their communities and homes. Its vision is that all people are provided with the best possible nursing care by the right nurse with the right skills in homes and communities, whenever and wherever it is needed.
Why Pilotlight?
The QNI was at a point where the organisation could grow its various existing functions and take on new activities. The demand for its services was outstripping the resource available and it saw potential to become a much more influential organisation and increase the impact it has. Part of the support they were looking for was clarifying their future direction and strategy.
What we did
The engagement largely focused on creating the strategic direction for the next four years. The project worked with Board members and the CEO to create a strategic plan that everyone was bought into. Whilst focusing on the strategic direction, the engagement also supported QNI in understanding its value and looked at how this could be articulated more effectively. Fundraising and the role of both the trustee board and management team in setting strategy were also discussed as part of the engagement.
By the end of the project, QNI had a developed plan that aligned with the organisation and a strategy that clearly articulates vision, mission, social and business objectives.
CEO Crystal Oldman described the journey as the ‘most amazing process’ for her:
“It's been so helpful to think about the whole strategy of the charity, in particular understanding the specific roles of the CEO and Chair. We now have clarity about where the roles begin and end, the need for the CEO to own the strategic plan, and the need to reiterate the goals regularly to ensure that everyone is working for their achievement. The challenge has been brilliant and I know that the conversations will stay with me for a long time. The impact will be long lasting.”
Christine O'Connell, one of the Pilotlighters on the project who also has now gone on to become a trustee of the charity, commented:
"It was great to witness the changes and development of the QNI over the year, particularly in Crystal's levels of confidence in driving the strategic direction of the organisation. I am delighted to be able to continue my involvement with the QNI as a trustee, for which I am grateful to the Pilotlight programme in helping me develop my advisory skills and knowledge of the charity sector."