Galloways was established in 1867 and for 157 years has provided services to blind and partially sighted people across Lancashire and Sefton. Galloways delivers a wide variety of services, ranging from support and information about sight loss conditions through to social groups and outdoor activities and assistance with tech solutions and wider specialist resources. The charity also operates an award-winning social enterprise café/community hub in Morecambe, Lancashire called ‘Brew me Sunshine’.
Galloways employs a team of 36 people and is supported by 285 volunteers. The staff team includes people with lived experience of sight loss which greatly enhances the services provided. Galloways delivers direct support to approx. 2,000 people each year.
Why did you apply for the Pilotlight Direction programme run in partnership with Barclays?
Pilotlight Direction appealed to Galloways because it enabled the charity to seek input from professionals outside of the voluntary sector to access broader more commercial skillsets and solutions. Galloways is currently undergoing a process of transformational change and approached Pilotlight with a number of specific challenges. The brief we created for the Pilotlighters to work on included reaching a younger demographic, increasing its brand profile, improving its digital presence (AI, data and ChatGPT etc.) and aligning staff, volunteers and stakeholders to the transformation journey.
Pilotlight provided access to professionals that otherwise would not have been possible. The support was also free, which was clearly appealing.
How did the project go?
The end to end process went very smoothly, with clear guidance and support provided by our Pilotlight Project Manager throughout. Once introduced, the Barclays Pilotlighters quickly gained an understanding of our challenges and began assigning leads to each theme, based on their specialisms. As the project moved forward, regular meetings occurred and the Pilotlighters provided updates relating to their research. Supplementary questions would also be asked. This process repeated itself until the final meeting within which the Pilotlighters delivered a detailed presentation of their findings and recommendations.
The Pilotlighters were friendly and inquisitive and demonstrated a genuine interest in Galloways and our challenges. Above all else, their specialist knowledge really shone through. It was a pleasure working with the Pilotlighters and a privilege to have their support and insight.
The programme was perfect for stepping away from the day-to-day ebb and flow of charity management. It was great to focus purely on our challenges and some key opportunities to accelerate the charity’s evolution. After a period of reflection, it was an experience the Galloways team enjoyed, and they would certainly advocate for other charities to engage with Pilotlight.
What have been the results/implementation after the project?
Galloways is currently using the Pilotlighters feedback across several key areas. The feedback is being used to influence design thinking in support of the development of Children and Young People’s Services, to strengthen the charity’s approach to its online brand profile and to test and implement AI solutions in support of internal and external communications and trust and grant applications.
The Pilotlighters feedback continues to be assessed by the charity’s Managers Forum and is used to influence Fundraising, Communications and wider Business Development activities.
Iain Pearson, CEO at Galloways top tips for other charity leaders thinking about applying to this programme:
- Assemble the right staff team
- Take time to construct the brief and be clear on what you want to achieve
- Be prepared to commit to the process. You get out what you put in.
- Be open and prepare to share key information to aid the Pilotlighters thought process
- The process doesn’t stop when the programme ends, it begins when you start implementing the recommendations. The true value lies in what comes next.
- Relax and enjoy the programme. Our Project Manager and Pilotlighters were great and I’m sure yours will be too!