Growth Path is a registered charity dedicated to helping young people thrive in employment in the construction industry. Its programme is specifically for young people not in education, employment, or training (NEET). Growth Path provides accredited entry level qualifications, work experience, and one-to-one support addressing the many barriers preventing NEET young people gaining jobs.
Why Pilotlight Direction?
The Director, Anya Sanchez, signed up to the Pilotlight Direction programme to receive support to expand Growth Path’s social enterprise, which carries out real construction and gardening projects. Growth of the enterprise would reduce financial dependence on shrinking public sector grants and underpin the organisation’s sustainability with a diversified income portfolio.
The results
The Pilotlighter team presented a range of recommendations, which included tools for cost modelling, revenue optimisation, and identifying and nurturing ‘best fit’ partners. This work fed into Anya’s new business plan for Growth Path, which was accepted by the Growth Path Board of Trustees for implementation. Additionally, Growth Path developed a new partnership with an employer in the construction industry, who have already taken on six trainees from Growth Path as apprentices.
We are a really small charity and hugely strapped for time, all the time. The massively valuable thing was the validation from the Pilotlighter team. Now I can move forward with my plans full of confidence that we’re heading in the right direction. For such a small organisation this is really valuable. We will regularly use templates provided and the work on tendering and the tendering process. Brilliant to have that insight; it has sped up the process for us.
Anya Sanchez, Director, Growth Path
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Growth Path
Growth Path supports young people aged 16 – 25, not in education, employment or training, to thrive.