Community Link Stafford & District offers a reliable, friendly and professional door-to-door Dial-a-Ride community transport service to the inhabitants of Stafford and the surrounding districts. Its vehicles accommodate wheelchairs and drivers are trained to provide assistance pertinent to each service user’s needs. It also transports children and young people with SEN to school where public transport provision is lacking. It has trained Passenger Assistants to accompany them, providing additional support to ensure safe passage. The charity's beneficiaries are people who are vulnerable, elderly, individuals with reduced mobility, people living in poverty, those who are unwell or disabled, children and young people with SEN, and people who are isolated because of a lack of adequate and safe public passenger services. Beneficiaries also include the carers of those listed who travel for free. It carried out 46,115 passenger journeys in the year ending March 2018, an increase of 11% on the previous year.