Nidhish is Chief Technology and Delivery Officer at Cevitr and has just started working with his second charity through the Pilotlight 360. His 25-30 year career in Hi-Tech has involved leadership positions in an international organisation comprising various Fortune 500 companies.
Why did you become a Pilotlighter?
I’m a passionate believer in the contribution the charity sector can make to help society solve the difficult social problems we face. I’ve wanted to use my professional management and leadership skills to give back for a long time. Pilotlight was a good match for my skills, and somewhere I could make a tangible contribution.
What’s been your biggest challenge?
The biggest challenge I’ve encountered is getting the charity leaders and trustees to develop a more business-like mind-set when it comes to issues of governance, strategic thinking and operational efficiencies. While trustees join a charity with the hope of contributing to a shared vision, this can be very difficult without having the right mind-set and objectivity.
What’s been your biggest surprise?
The humility and openness the charities come to the programme with. They are genuinely positive, and open to challenge. The structured way Pilotlight manages each project makes for a very supportive environment.
What’s your proudest moment?
Seeing the positive change and transformation the charity leader goes through during the engagement. The charity leaders I have worked with have become emboldened to take their organisation on a new path as a result of the engagement, which is a delight to see.
Tell us one thing you’ve learnt through working with us.
I’ve learnt that even a small charity with very limited resources can make a big difference to the community it serves.
Outside of my work with Pilotlight, I’m helping a small enterprise to grow. We have constrained resources but are learning to punch above our weight in gaining market traction for our service offering. My experience of working with charities through Pilotlight has definitely helped me do this.
Has working with charities inspired you in any way?
As well as continuing to help charities through Pilotlight, I am now considering offering my skills in a non-exec capacity to charitable organisations.
Describe being a Pilotlighter in three words.
Humbling. Insightful. Interesting.