Accountants support communities by working for free in a range of contexts, demonstrating their worth and purpose in times of need

Professional accountants are applying their expertise to a range of activities on a voluntary basis, with the Covid-19 outbreak demonstrating just how invaluable these pro bono activities are.

But it’s not just during the current crisis that they have been sharing their experience for the greater good; their activities range from acting as school governors and charity trustees to providing advice to start-ups and not-for-profit organisations.

Coaching and mentoring

Charities are also in need of the valuable input that professional accountants can offer. Pilotlight, a charity that connects business leaders with charitable organisations across the UK, says the business people who volunteer with Pilotlight coach and mentor charity leaders to help them be more effective. ‘Many charities are under constant pressure to either find new streams of income – whether that’s through traditional fundraising or developing an income-generating model – or to prove to existing funders and donors that money is being put to good use,’ explains Bruce McCombie, Pilotlight’s Head of Partnerships. ‘Accountants can quickly tune in to these pressures. They know that decisions need to be supported by evidence, and that when it comes to financial stability, decisions cannot be taken lightly.’

Published by ACCA's AB Magazine. Read the full article here